Our Lib Dem views on Mobile Phone masts
I fully understand the fears which many people have about masts sited near their homes, schools or places of work. The Conservatives did a deal with the phone companies when they were in government to cut planning controls for masts, and now we have the ridiculous situation that it is often easier to get planning permission for a mast than it is for a conservatory.
In 2000, the chair of the Independent Expert group on Mobile Phones, Sir William Stewart, recommended that a precautionary approach should be adopted regarding the siting of masts until more detailed and scientifically robust information on any health effects becomes available. This is also the advice of the British Medical Association.
However, at the moment, many masts do not require planning permission at all, and councils are not allowed to take public concerns about health into consideration provided the mobile phone operators have a "health certificate" - clearance from the Radiation Protection Division of the Health Protection Agency.
Liberal Democrats believe that local people should have more say in all planning decisions affecting their community, including the siting of mobile phone masts. Effective public consultation is crucial.
Our Liberal Democrat Shadow Communities and Local Government Secretary, Andrew Stunell MP, has sponsored a Private Member's Bill in Parliament that would bring masts back under local planning control, and introduce a 'precautionary principle', giving extra safeguards for schools, homes, and medical facilities from the risk of excessive radiation. Unfortunately there are very powerful commercial forces against this, whilst the Treasury is also sitting on a very large licence fee payment too.
I can assure you that the Liberal Democrats will continue to push the government for a better planning system for mobile phone masts that takes proper account of safety and siting.
For more information on the issue of mobile phone masts, I suggest contacting Mast Action UK, at www.mastaction.co.uk or Mast Sanity at www.mastsanity.org (08704 322377). If you are concerned about the health issues then a useful contact is the Radiation Division of the Health Protection Agency, www.hpa.org.uk/radiation . For more information on the Mobile Telecommunications and Health Research Programme, you may want to contact www.mthr.org.uk.
If you have any queries about masts in Woking, please feel free to contact me at cllrrob.leach@woking.gov.uk.
Cllr Rob Leach
Portfolio Holder: Culture and Community Safety and Ward Councillor for Goldsworth East