Plans for a closer working relationship between Woking Borough Council and Surrey Police moved a step closer at last night's Executive (Thursday 27 July), when councillors gave the green light to develop plans for cross-agency working at a neighbourhood level.
Last night's decision will mean that Woking Borough Council and Surrey Police, along with other agencies, will enter into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). The intention of the MOU is to allow a joined-up approach that will meet the needs and expectations of local residents. The MOU will also tie in with Surrey Police's concept of neighbourhood policing, a system which allows police, local partner organisations and the public to work together to tackle problems of crime, disorder and anti-social behaviour.
Cllr Sue Smith, Leader of Woking Borough Council's Executive, said: "We welcome these first steps towards a closer working relationship with Surrey Police. A joined-up approach will allow us to develop new procedures to work with residents at a local level and provide a seamless service that supports residents within their own neighbourhoods."
Sue Warren, Chief Superintendent for North West Surrey Division of Surrey Police, said: "North West Surrey Police Division is leading the implementation of neighbourhood policing across Surrey. We are pleased to be working with Woking Borough Council and believe this approach will provide an even better service for the public."
Liberal Democrat Councillor, Denzil Coulson, and leading member for Neighbourhood Management said: "This neighbourhood partnership will help local neighbourhoods identify key policing priorities in their areas. Residents will be able to communicate closely with police about where the perceived "hotspots" of local crime are. This first step in developing a better dialogue with residents over local decisions will give local communities more power to try and have local crime reduced."
Council officers will now work with portfolio holders and the Overview and Scrutiny Task Group to develop the arrangements for neighbourhood engagement.