Good News for Woking residents
It is good news for Woking residents that the real danger of a Surrey Unitary Authority - effectively the County Council taking over all the Surrey Boroughs and Districts - has been seen off. All the…
It is good news for Woking residents that the real danger of a Surrey Unitary Authority - effectively the County Council taking over all the Surrey Boroughs and Districts - has been seen off. All the…
Leading local Liberal Democrat Cllr Philip Goldenberg has welcomed the re-opening by South-West Trains of the Travel Centre at Woking station.
Responding to the Conservatives' plans to tackle personal debt, Liberal Democrat Shadow Chancellor, Vince Cable MP said:
To show that it is now possible to get safely and quietly to the other side! A number of Brookwood residents will be joined by ward councillor, Philip Goldenberg, and representatives from Woking…
I fully understand the fears which many people have about masts sited near their homes, schools or places of work. The Conservatives did a deal with the phone companies when they were in government…
Surrey Lib Dems welcomed a stunning U turn by Tory Surrey County Council. Just weeks after making a third of all highways staff redundant the council has admitted, after Lib Dem pressure, that it has…
Leader of the Executive Cllr Sue Smith, Planning Portfolio Holder Cllr Philip Goldenberg and Environment Portfolio Holder Cllr Ken Howard were joined by Deputy Chief Executive, Douglas Spinks, to…
Woking residents have been horrified to learn that the A & E Departments at St Peter's Hospital and Royal Surrey face possible closure by the Strategic Health Authority. This is as a result of…
Rising incidences of vandalism in Goldsworth Park have been of great concern to all Goldsworth Park Councillors. The recent slashing of car tyres by vandals to over 100 cars in Woking was the last…
The Liberal Democrats have attacked the Conservative party as 'utterly irresponsible' on taxation on the day that Lord Forsyth's report into Conservative tax policy is published.