Woking Tories vote against joining the 10:10 campaign
Cllr Denzil Coulson reports from Monday night's council meeting.
Cllr Denzil Coulson reports from Monday night's council meeting.
The local Lib Dem team were at Woking station on 18 February distributing Rosie Sharpley's rail survey to early morning travellers.The survey asked passengers about how often they travel by train,…
'These cuts to Surrey County Council's services will hit Woking hard,' said Will Forster, Liberal Democrat County Councillor for South Woking, after the meeting this Tuesday that set the budget for…
Rosie Sharpley is adamant that it is essential for voters to know their candidates and to have as easy a way of contacting them as possible. So, as well as face to face on the door step, local Lib…
From 8pm 22 January 2010) the A320 northbound route through Victoria Arch will be closed for 6 to 8 weeks to undertake the replacement of gas mains at the junction of Goldsworth Road and Victoria Way…
Rosie Sharpley the Liberal Democrat spokesperson for Woking today criticised the Tories' marriage tax proposals as being yet another example of unfairness by giving tax breaks to the well off while…
The Liberal Democrats have consistently opposed secret inquiries in the Coroners and Justice Act
The Care Quality Commission, the government agency in charge of assessing the quality of care available to vulnerable people, have rated the care services provided by Surrey County Council as…
A report from the Care Quality Commission says 4,000 out of the 24,000 care homes in his country are deficient. It means that 80,000 elderly people are getting substandard care. Over 400 were rated…
The UK banks owe their very existence to the British taxpayer with the Governor of the Bank of England estimating that they have received the equivalent of £1 trillion in taxpayer support.