Vote Brown, Get Cameron in Surrey
An interesting blog story here, which shows that Labour voters could stop the Tories winning Woking.
An interesting blog story here, which shows that Labour voters could stop the Tories winning Woking.
Daniel Hannan the Tory MEP who labelled the NHS a "60 year mistake" was in Woking to endorse his friend Jonty Lord.
Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group on Woking Borough Council Cllr Ian Johnson has asked voters to remember that there are 2 elections on May 6th. Ian said "In all the unbelievable excitement of…
If you want to have your chance to come and hear what myself and the other candidates have to say on matters that effect you before you cast your vote on May 6th, then why not come along to one of…
A new poll has a startling finding. The latest YouGov poll added this question: "How would you vote on May 6 if you thought the Liberal Democrats had a significant chance of winning the election".
According to new calculations the Electoral Reform Society now deems Woking to be a marginal seat. We Liberal Democrats have always known it is, but is good to have confirmation from such a highly…
Since Nick Clegg's debate victory we have had a massive upsurge in interest in our campaign. Unlike the other 2 main parties we rely almost exclusively on local people for funding and admin and other…
Rosie set up a blog in the run up to the election and has been astounded by the number of visitors! Literally in the thousands. Click on Rosie's name to open the blog or click the tab on the left.
On Monday night, Woking Liberal Democrats launched their General Election and Council election campaigns with a rally in Westfield. Here they formally adopted Rosie Sharpley as their candidate for MP…