'Pay to Stay' housing scheme dropped
The local Lib Dems have welcomed the Government's decision to make the 'Pay to Stay' scheme for Council housing tenants earning over a certain income will now be voluntary, not compulsory.
The local Lib Dems have welcomed the Government's decision to make the 'Pay to Stay' scheme for Council housing tenants earning over a certain income will now be voluntary, not compulsory.
The Local Lib Dems are seeking an end to burial charges for children and stillborns.
The local Lib Dems have welcomed the announcement by the Government that part of a £20 million Rough Sleeping Fund will go to help rough sleepers in Woking.
The Woking Borough Council is to increase the cost of parking in the town's car parks despite the Conservatives boasting just 8 months ago that they had frozen parking charges and would not increase…
Woking Lib Dems recently hosted the fantastically successful sell out South East Regional Lib Dem Conference BDB school Woking. Highlights include an inspiring speach from Tim Farron and excellent…
After a reduction in Council size across Woking, Lib Dems are proud to announce that we have won all the seats in Hoe Valley, One in St Johns and Mount Hermon and two in Goldsworth Park.
So many people are asking us about the closed Kingfiled post office that we have just launched an online version of our paper petition that went out two weeks ago here …
Woking Lib Dems launched thier 2016 manifesto and Election team with Paul Kenedy the Surrey Lib Dem Police and Crime commissioner candidate.
The Liberal Democrats have warned the closure of Redhill Magistrates' Court and Reigate County Court threatens to undermine access to justice for local people across Surrey.
Local Lib Dems are campaigning for more health facilities to be provided in Woking when Woking Hospice moves to its new facility in Goldsworth Park.