Dr Lee has written today to the Conservative MP for Woking asking him to back a Lib Dem call for a vote before troops are committed outside British control in Iraq. There will be a debate in the House of Commons tomorrow (21st October).
The text of her letter follows:
Humfrey Malins MP
House of Commons
London SW1
20th October 04
Dear Mr Malins,
I am writing to you in advance of the debate to be held tomorrow (Thursday 21st October), 'Defence in the World' where I understand that the deployment of British forces outside British control will be covered.
It is my strong contention that British forces should remain under direct British control within the British sector. Any change to this basic command structure must be brought before the House of Commons and the Government would be failing in its duty to the British people if it does not do so. With the public disquiet about ongoing operations in Iraq, I do not believe that placing British forces under direct US control would be supported by the British people.
I am writing to ask you to support the Liberal Democrats in their call for a vote on this issue before troops are committed, and to seek this vote as soon as possible.
Yours sincerely,
Anne M Lee