Why is Woking's Election Register Missing?
In response to a parliamentary question by John Hemming MP, it has been established that the General Election Marked Register for Woking has been missing since May 6th. This register provides essential information in the war against electoral fraud.
Anne Lee (the Liberal Democrat candidate at the recent election) said "the current system for registering to vote and for requesting a postal vote invites abuse. We have seen several cases of this recently, for example in Birmingham and in Guildford.
"I was deeply concerned when I discovered that the marked election register is missing.
"This is an important legal document that can play a key role in any police investigations. That is why marked registers are meant to be promptly sealed away and given to the Lord Chancellor's Department for secure storage.
"Any failure to keep the documents - or any failure in keeping them secure at all times - seriously undermines the fight against electoral fraud.
"The Council and Government must provide a full explanation as to how these
documents have gone missing.
"Before the election various national papers highlighted Woking as an area where there were causes for concern. There now appear to be even more reasons for us to be concerned about the integrity of the electoral process."
Further information: Dr Anne Lee. 07973 715059(m) Liberal Democrat Parliamentary Candidate for Woking 2005