Speed Checking in York Road, Mount Hermon West
After much pressure from me the County Council have now installed a temporary speed checker at the Wych Hill Lane end of York Road.
The machine checks and records speeds of vehicles, it is not a camera.
The idea is that the checker will be in its present position for one month after which time they will consider turning it round to check the speeds in the opposite direction. Unfortunately there are very few of these in the area so it is in demand and not something we will be able to keep.
The information recorded in the machine will be useful in providing the authorities with hard evidence of speeding so that the police will be able to focus on particular areas and times of day when action would be most fruitful.
I am pleased that my pressure on the County Council to respond to residents concerns about speeding in York Road is now at last showing some success. This is particularly timely as I understand that Phillips Quadrant is to be occupied by County Council staff for 17 March.
Please let me have any feedback on the speed checker - is it making people slow down? You can call me on 01483 760217 or email me at cllrsue.smith@woking.gov.uk
Sue Smith
Mount Hermon West Ward Councillor