Worried residents in Maybury and Woodham have been contacting Anne Lee and asking for her help about the proposal for an anaerobic digestion and gasification plant to be built in the industrial estate at Monument Way.
She said "Waste management is one of the biggest challenges facing us over the next few years. I really sympathise with local residents who have heard the rumours and are concerned about what the implications of placing this facility so close to their homes might be, they want to establish what the actual facts are. I have written to the Council and asked a whole series of questions about whether other sites have been properly considered, what emissions there will be and what will happen to the heavy lorry traffic".
She added "Liberal Democrats in Woking are against the Surrey County Council's Waste Plan proposals for incineration. They want a better solution than that for Woking. On Woking Borough Council they have been demanding that full details of these latest proposals for a plant in Woking and its effects on residents must be made public at the earliest opportunity.
"I support the Council's aims for Woking to be able to deal with its own waste in the way which best reduces the release of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere."