At its Annual General Meeting, Woking Borough Liberal Democrat Council Group elected Richard Sharp as Leader and Bryan Cross as Deputy Leader.
Cllr Richard Sharp said, "The Lib Dem Council Group has committed itself to the same key principles and vision as the national coalition: the principles of freedom, fairness and responsibility, and the vision of a strong society where those who can, do and those who can't, will always be helped. We have also reconfirmed our commitment to making progress on the key priorities of the Council (decent & affordable housing, the environment, and health & well-being), with innovative plans in difficult economic conditions.
"At a local level we are not seeing the same cooperation and joint-working with the Conservatives as we are seeing nationally. Despite the Borough Council officially being in no overall control, the Conservatives have taken all the Executive positions and the Chairmanship of every committee available to them. They like cross-party support when they can get it, but they ridicule the idea of sharing power for the greater good of the Borough. Instead of discussing difficult decisions in public (like the shortage of sponsorship for the Tour Series in Woking), they decide behind close doors and rush to a vote. With financial pressures ahead for the Council, that does not bode well for developing innovative solutions that can deliver on the priorities of the Council and help those most in need. The Lib Dems will continue to press for clear financial control and budgeting so that services can be maintained and improved."