As we prepare for the polls - have you heard from us?!
Have you heard from us? Our team of volunteers has been hard at work knocking on doors and delivering leaflets to every household in the constituency getting our strong, local and liberal cadidate, Will Forster's message across. This is a massive task for us and we have worked hard, without the access to major donours that our opposites have.
Inevitably we might not have made it past your locked shared entrance, or enthusiastic and scary looking dog! In that case here are electronic versions of the leaflets you were denied;
Final Leaflet - Look at this if no other!
Please also have a look at Will's video messages;
Above all, on Thursday, please use you vote. In Woking, Will Forster and the Lib Dems are the only effective opposition to the Conservatives, we know this from our own efforts and Local Election vote share which increased significantly, but it has been confirmed by careful analysis by Tactical Votings sites. This time in Woking we really have a chance. Vote Lib Dem!