A balanced budget for Woking Borough Council

Woking Borough Council Liberal Democrats are proud to have set a balanced budget that protects discretionary services, increases investment in housing, and maintains council tax at 2.99% the general level for district councils.
The budget puts clear blue water between the recklessness of the past and sets a responsible financial position for the present, and future.
Additionally, draft accounts have now been published dating back to year ending 2020, clearing up a five-year backlog left by the previous administration.
The strategy of the Liberal Democrat administration has been to transform Woking into a high performing council focused on delivering excellent services and building a thriving community through effective partnerships.
That strategy was fully evident in the budget. It includes a five-year, £72 million program of safe and decent home improvements. There will be £16 million, four-times historical investments, made next year.
All discretionary services, including community meals, will continue. The borough will continue to build on efficiencies already achieved to preserve these services for the future. Outside of housing there will also be careful investment in customer services to continue the improvements residents are already seeing when dealing with council tax queries, or businesses are seeing when they need help with licences or business rates.
The recklessness of the past means that continuing government support will be needed but not a penny more than is needed has been asked for. In fact, though the amounts are significant, the support requested was less than was forecast last year.
Cllr Dale Roberts, Portfolio Holder for Finance said, ‘We are in a significantly different place to last year’s emergency budget. All discretionary services are being maintained, there is a crystal clear priority on core services, principally housing, and council tax will be set at 2.99%, the general level for district councils’